Dilution, Respirometric BOD & Biodegradability Testing

The determination of biochemical oxygen demand is always a topic of discussion with regard to the method and its applicability. The respirometric method can be compared to the dilution method, but is advised only to be used for self control. Standard methods are discussed in contrast to self-monitoring methods. Also photometric tests can be performed to determine BOD values.
You will find extensive information about the different methods to determine Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the WTW handbook which you can download here.
You can also find important products for biodegradability testing.
BOD Self-Control & Respirometric Systems
For BOD a reduction in oxygen (consumed by microorganisms) causes a definite pressure difference that is measured by a pressure sensor. Practical and easy to perform, The production of methane gas by microorganisms can also be measured with some of the systems.

Respirometric OxiTop® measuring systems for BOD(5) self-check (OxiTop®-I)
- Intelligent-Digital Sensor OxiTop®-IDS system with extended BOD measurement up to 400 000 mg/L, biodegradability studies, soil respiration and methane studies.

System for only BOD
Respirometric Sensor System 6 for
- Maxi -BMP (Biochemical Methane Potential)
- Soil analysis -
- Plastic biodegradability
Dilution BOD
BOD determination according to DIN EN 1899-1 (ISO 5815) DIN EN 1899-2 and Standard Methods 5210 B.

Self-stirring oxygen sensor StirrOx® G for oxygen determination in Karlsruhe bottles allows:
- Constant flow for high reproducibility
- No zero-point calibration necessary
- Immediately ready for measuring
BOD photometric method
Using a cell test allows for an easy and efficient determination of BOD, following a modified Winkler method.

Calibrated and standard compliant analysis reagents for security.
- Barcode system enables rapid, simple operation
- Comprehensive quality control documentation for every test
- 5 days incubation still required but the analysis has fewer handling steps than other methods
BOD incubators
All BOD methods require samples to be kept at 20 °C (68 °F) for 5 days. Avantor offers a wide range of temperature controlled incubators.

Velp Scientifica
1 model, FTC 120:
- Fixed temperature at 20 °C
- 120 L
5 models, FOC Connect
- From 3 to 50 °C (0,5 °C)
- From 109 to 169 L

5 models, TS:
- From 10 to 40 °C (0,5 °C)
- From 180 to 500 L
Thermostatic container, Oxitop® Box
- Fixed temperature at 20 °C (0,5 °C)